Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Wrestling?

Do Sunday Afternoons seem to go on and on and on? It is supposed to be a day of rest but at my house I feel like I never get a chance to sit down. I hate to schedule our Sundays but something needs to change or else my day of rest will continue to be a Day of wRESTling.

My kids actually did quite well at church today. I was able to sing the hymns and listen to the speakers. They were even well behaved in Primary. It is after church that is the problem. They are under the impression that Sundays are the day they can't play with any of their toys and have to have Mom entertain them all day.

Today they talked me into making valentine sugar cookies to frost. We made the dough and I went to roll it out so we could all punch out hearts. The kids wouldn't listen when I tried to slow them down a little. But they wanted to punch and grab the cookies so they ended up looking like big globs of dough rather than hearts. I had to roll out the dough over again and they punched out the hearts a little nicer but still lopsided and mangled. The perfectionist in me wanted them to look nice especially if we are going to be taking them to our friends (which is also on the list of things to do today according to my kids).

Then while the cookies are baking. My kids decide, or I should say Sophie decided and Ian agreed, that they needed to make some Valentine decorations. So I got out the construction paper and the collage stuff so they could decorate hearts with pop poms, feathers and glitter glue. They had a great time but made a big mess.

Once I got all the cookies baked and the collage stuff cleaned up I had to make frosting so the kids could frost and decorate the cookies. They of course covered themselves in purple icing and are now on a Sugar high from eating a bunch of iced cookies.

While still trying to clean up the cookie frosting mess, Sophie then informs me that she wants to play another round of Zooreka. We do often play a board game together on Sunday afternoons. But I was already loosing my patience.

Can I just say I am tired of cleaning up one mess only to start another. My husband did entertain the kids a few moments with books while I cleaned up the different messes. The kids did "help" a little too.

My kids are small and don't rest. Therefore I don't get to rest. I know it is normal but that still doesn't make it easy.


Montserrat said...

Sundays seem to be my most hectic day too! I've even had to resort to threatening my girls to wear dresses the whole day if they don't calm down. They hate wearing dresses for very long so that usually works...for now.

Brooke said...

just wanted to say hi and that I love your blog.

Ice Cream said...

Amen, Sister!

Sunday has always been a tough one for me for this reason. I finally put my foot down though and started to tell my kids that I can't. They did talk me into making heart sugar cookies yesterday, but I told them we were NOT going to ice them until family home evening, and then deliver them on Tuesday. They may be stale by then but it is the only way I can keep my sanity.

Anonymous said...

You are a good mom. I might just have said no to the cookie making and the game playing. I so agree with you about cleaning up one mess after another day after day. I keep thinking that the more things I get rid of the easier it will be to manage. So far, I'm still cleaning.

Hugs to you. We all know.

Bibliophile said...

I am on the second of four days taking care of five grandchildren. I am so wiped out! Last night I fell into bed and slept like the dead. Today, it is squabbles all day and pouting and inattention and searching for shoes and "I don't like that!" over and over again. I have forgotten how much energy mothers need just to get through the day. (sigh) I understand! Yes! ......

Sonja said...

I've had to seriously repress my perfectionist side for the last 7 years. I appreciate my mom so much more now. Doesn't everyone?

Sunday wRESTling. Too true around here too. :)