Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Fun!

Very light school day around here today. Sophie has been asking and asking when we were going to make our turkeys. We gathered pine cones last week on one of our trips to the park. Finally today we broke out the pipe cleaners and hot glue gun (this was my part) and created some turkeys.
All the kids loved sticking feathers into their pinecones. Henry didn't actually make his into a turkey he did have a great time with the elmers glue and feathers.
Here are the finished turkeys. They ended up very cute.

I hope everyone has a Great Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. Your turkeys are adorable!

Sonja said...

Wonderful turkeys! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Stay happy!

Anonymous said...

Now those are cute!

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving.