Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

Over the weekend my children were introduced to new movie.This movie was put on while we were over at my sister's house inorder to keep the kids from destroying her home or traumatizing her cats. They quickly settled onto the couch and were quietly watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks. They didn't quite get to finish it before we left so they asked if they could borrow it. We took it home and finished it the next day. They have now watched it three times. They only get one movie a day so they have watched nothing else except this for days. It is always so fun to hear them totally bursting out laughing. They love the soccer game scene. What kids wouldn't love the elephant blasting the ball across the court with his trunk only to be smacked back by a gorilla goalie hanging from the goal post.

Sophie was very excited to find out that the story that this movie is based on is written by Mary Norton, the author of the Borrowers books which we have been enjoying and are almost finished with. She has already requested that we get the book the next time we go to the library. For now she is content just to sing the songs. They sure catch on to those things quickly. It doesn't help that I sing the songs along with her, I guess. I know the movie well from my childhood.


Angela said...

This was my favorite movie when I was a child! I am so excited they watched it. Hey, you said you were a missionary in NYC? What mission? I served in Osaka, Japan! Way to go!

Ice Cream said...

This was one of the first movies I introduced to my kids. I LOVE it and so do they. I have never thought to check if it was originally a book. We will have to check that out pronto.