My family eats a lot of yogurt. My kids don't like to drink milk (unless it's chocolate or in cereal), so yogurt is almost a daily food for us. The price of yogurt at the store keeps going up, so I have been looking into making my own. I found a system that works for me with which I can use my food storage dry milk.
This is all that you need:
4 cups water
1/4 cup of plain yogurt (or starter)
1 1/2 cups of dry milk
Put it all in a blender and mix it well.
Pour the mixture in your crockpot.

Leave in the Crockpot on warm for 10 hours. My crockpot has a low, high and warm setting. Low is too hot, but warm is just right. After 10 hours in the crockpot, put yogurt in the fridge to cool overnight. That's it. Very easy!
We have been stirring in some jam to sweeten and flavor it, but I plan to experiment with other flavorings like honey and fruit.
We have really enjoyed it in our home-made smoothies.
I love that I don't have to heat anything to a certain temperature or boil the milk before the fermenting process. I think because the milk is dry you don't have to boil it to get rid of the bacteria that may exist in regular milk. That is my theory at least. All I know is that this is what I do and it works well. My kids love the yogurt and I love that I am not paying so much for yogurt and I have total control over what additives are in there.
Here is a much harder way to make it.
Thanks for posting this, Sarah!... I got the recipe down when we were talking - but our kids must have been hollering when you talked about what temp to cook it at - I thought you said 'low' and so I would have cooked the dickens out of it!! Thanks! Can't wait to try it! We eat tons of yogurt too! (Cami especially likes it topping her oatmeal) Thanks for coming to play with us!
I am so glad you shared this on your blog! I'm in the same boat with yogurt and using food storage.
My Q would be, how does it taste?
This is the very first time that I've read a recipe for homemade yogurt where I thought, "I could so do that." And considering that my kids ate 25 yoplait yougurts in one week (they were having a great sale) I could really do with a cheaper way to provide it.
What a cool idea!!!!!!
so is it GOOD?
My mom used to make yogurt when I was a kid but I've never tried it--I have all the stuff so I'll have to give it a try. Thanks!
Thanks for the recipe--I am so excited to try it! I've been wanting to make yogurt from powdered milk but this is definitely the easiest method I've seen.
Yay! I am going to try this; I have wanted to make my own yogurt for a long time, but the whole food dehydrator thing didn't work out for me. Thanks for this recipe!
I even have a yogurt maker....which I don't use because it is just such a pain to boil the milk to just-the-right-temperature-and then cool it to just-the-right-temperature. I'll give this a try!
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