Sunday, January 6, 2008


I read a great post about new years resolutions awhile back and have been thinking about it ever since. In it the writer explains that resolutions tend not to work for what ever reason but usually because we are trying to change things that we Do rather than things that we are or what to BE. She also explains that in order to make these changes we should find a word to focus on. This idea has stuck with my the last few days and I have been thinking about it.
What word would be my theme for the year? What word am I going to chant to myself and help me make the changes I want to see in my life. I thought about "order", or "organize" because I would like to see less clutter in my house and I need to get more organized with school and such too. But I kept comming back to the word "calm". I want my life to be more calm. I can't even count the number of times I say "calm down" each day.

I looked up the word "calm" in the Thesarus (thanks Sonja for the reminder to read and use such a useful book). I saw words like soften, tranquillize, peaceful, undisturbed, equanimity, still, tranquill, self-possessed. These are all GOOD things!

My little family isn't totally out of control it just feels like it sometimes. My kids are very active and are young (I have to remind myself that they are acting age appropriate, more or less). And when the noise, fighting and chaos goes on for too long I find myself losing my "cool" and these are the moments that I need to start chanting "calm" to myself. Maybe if I was more "composed" or handled things more "collectedly" maybe my kids would be more "serene" and "sedate".

This idea of "calm" will also roll over into our homeschooling and even housekeeping. Everything can benifit and run more "smoothly" when done with a "cool" head and "unruffled" attitude.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of focusing on one word. Calm is a very good word. I would love to be known as a person filled with the gifts of the Spirit but alas my frantic and unhappy behavior is the fartherest thing from my desire. Perhaps I should focus on just one of the gifts.

My two little ones are being very demanding this morning....I'm thinking "patience" would be a very good word. ;)

Andrea said...

I don't like making resolutions. Instead, I find it much more effective to gather my new excitement and motivation for the new year as momentum to keep pluggin' on.
I love your word "calm" and I think I might want to use that one too. What mother wouldn't benefit, right?
What a helpful post-thanks.

Ice Cream said...

What a great idea. I am going to have to do this. My word would be something like "active." I'm not a very active person, in anything. Of maybe I should choose "consistent" because I'm not that either... Hmmm, now you have me thinking.

Montserrat said...

You've got me thinking too. I really like this idea. I don't make New Year's resolutions because I'm constantly making new goals all year long. But I do like this idea a lot. When I've narrowed down my choices I'll come back and let you know what it is.

belliesue said...

What a great insight. I just can't narrow a word down for myself. I'm thinking I'll come up with one by next year? Maybe decisive would be a good one for me.

Sonja said...

Ooh, ooh! I'm so glad you like the thesaruas too! :D

I always find myself making resolutions this time of year. Everyone always says they don't like to, and I don't know if I really LIKE to, but I just do it. Every year. Can't help it.

I am really thinking that "calm" is a good word, and if you don't mind, I'm going to borrow your theme. Lately I have observed that the teenageers I most admire (who seem well rounded, confident and happy) have parents who have "calm", even-tempered personalities. This is not something I was born with. SO...I will be coming back here for more ideas. :D