Sunday, December 23, 2012

Our Co-op Christmas Party

One of the Moms in our co-op came up with a great idea for our last co-op of December. The kids were already scheduled to sing at a nearby nursing home but we had about 2 hours before that to have some fun. She suggested we make gingerbread houses.  She sent out her recipe for gingerbread, she made a whole bunch of icing and then each family brought a number of different candies for decorating.
 Of course I didn't remember to bring my camera until we were already most of the way there so I had to settle on pictures after we came home.  They kids had so much fun and there was such variety of candies to choose from.
 Molly and I made her house together. She did all the decorating. I did most of the icing. Evidently I didn't let it harden enough before letting Molly add the candies because the roof started to slide off but she didn't seem to mind as she nibbled on the candies.
 Here is Sophie's little cottage. I love the tree made out of a marshmallow, a peanut butter cup and a kiss on top!
 Ian and Henry did a house together. They had a huge plateful of candy to put on their house but I think most of it ended up in their tummies and not on their house.
 Ian attempted a taller tree like the one Sophie made but since the marshmallow couldn't hold up the heavier chocolates it fell over. That is one tasty tree! He actually made two trees but one of them didn't make it home. This house was sitting in the passenger side of the car as we drove home and I decided that tree looked like it needed to be eaten!

The kids helped clean up the mess and then they warmed up their voices, walked over to the nursing home and sang to an appreciative crowd. And then most of them didn't even accept the cookie that they usually are given after their monthly performance. I guess the candy fest before hand had done most of them in. Ian even said "I'm not going to eat any more candy or treats until Christmas."  I don't think he made it that long before some of the yummy cookies and things that friends have dropped off for us looked good to him again. 

I really am glad we have a great co-op for my kids to attend. The other families are great and my kids sure have a great time.  I am very grateful!

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