I have been looking forward to heading to the movies this Christmas. I was tempted to go see the Hobbit as well but since I could only fit in one movie I picked Les Miserables. I am so glad I did. I have been singing those songs and thinking about the movie ever since.
I think the best review I have read that pretty much says exactly what I think is this one.
As we left the theater, my sister-in-law asked me if I thought it was better as a stage play or as a movie. I have seen the stage show twice. I saw it in London and then again on my mission in New York. Just as an aside, Elder Russel Ballard came to my mission to speak to the missionaries and he told us that none of us should leave NY without seeing Les Miserables. We could attend broadway shows (Wednesday matinees) but had a very limited list of shows we could see. Les Miserables wasn't on the list at the time but quickly was added.
After thinking about the question from my Sister-in-law, I had to say I liked the film better. I loved how much more I got out of each song because I could see the expressions on the actors/singers faces. I think I understood so much more about what they were saying and feeling because I wasn't just listening to the music but I was intimately involved with the story because of the way it was filmed and songs were recorded.
No, the actors weren't the best singers I have ever heard but they certainly conveyed the emotion of the character. "Empty chairs at empty tables" still haunts my thoughts. So well done! I am so glad I saw this one on the big screen with the surround sound.