Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday Ten - Random thoughts

I just have a few random thoughts about life today.

1. My kids don't get enough sleep. They are going to bed later due to the sun being up and yet they still get up at their normal time. By the end of the day they are cranky. I like it when the sun goes down before bedtime. It is about 9:30 and Sophie is just now finally turning out the light. I can't wait for those 7:30 bedtimes again.

2. I don't really enjoy baby showers. I go because it is fun to visit with friends and have time without kids once in awhile but I don't like the silly games and my gifts are always the practical boring gifts and not the ones that everyone oohs and awhs over. Tonight's babyshower was good. Ice Cream sundays and no silly games. Just open the gifts and everyone visits, PERFECT!

3. I am the last person to jump on the Knex band wagon I think. We didn't have a set until today. But we really love the set I splurged and bought my boys today.

I bought a small set today but I think Henry may need some Kid Knex for his birthday. HINT HINT Grandma!

4. Red Velvet Cake mix is not my favorite. I made this today just because the kids and I wanted to bake something and this cake mix has been sitting on my shelf for months and I don't even remember exactly where it came from. Red fingers and faces stained. It didn't taste that great unless it is loaded with frosting. Ian loved saying "red velvet cake". He just kept saying it over and over again. I am happy it is gone!

5. No matter how many real rainbows you have seen they are always amazing and special to see. Tonight I got to see a full arch and part of another one next to it. The kids thought it was spectacular.

6. Math is fun! Ian loves having his own math books. But the Singapore Earlybird Kindergarden math books I bought him are way too easy for him. The concepts are things he has already mastered. He is ready for real adding and subtracting but he can't read or even write yet. He also has no patience for coloring. When the directions say to color this or that blue. He grabs the blue pencil and scribbles all over the object. He doesn't even attempt to color carefully in the lines. Sophie also has no problem with her math. The actual work isn't hard for her. Staying focused is her problem.

7. I need to get my hands on Breaking Dawn. I am number 200 and something in line for the 180 copies that the library bought. I hope to finally get to it soon. Everyone is talking about it!

8. I do live with Spiderman. Look at this upper body strength!

Sorry it is sideways I need to remember not to make films lengthwise. They don't flip like photos.

He did eventually make it all the way to the top. He just kept trying and trying. Climbing every door frame he could find.

9. I hate missing my cycling class. Sophie went to play at a friends house this afternoon. When I went to pick her up, she was in the middle of a project and had to finish it. So we didn't get away in time for me to make it to my class. Sophie said "You don't need to go". I need to make sure I get to the YMCA tomorrow morning to burn off some of those red velvet cake calories. Oh yeah... I also had a sunday at the baby shower. I REALLY NEED to get to the gym!

10. Life is good if these are the only things on my mind!


Michal said...

we struggled at the beginning of the summer, but we are getting the kids to bed by 8:00 most nights. i'm the real problem--i don't want to stop having fun and make dinner, take baths, etc, on time. but like yours, mine get up at the same time regardless of when they went to bed.

my boys LOVE knex. i don't love finding the little pieces everywhere, even though they are supposed to stay at the train table. oh well.

love the spiderman footage.

Bibliophile said...

Thanks for hint about Henry's birthday. What size Kid K'Nex is right? Go you Amazon.com and find one that Henry can use, OK?

Angela said...

We love Knex and playing with all of the designs. You will not be sad that you have purchased them. You will have to give us a review on Breaking Dawn- I haven't read any of them and I totally agree on the showers- I hate em". This is a great post

Brent and AmberLee's Family said...

Wow--how amazing to see Henry's wall climbing in action. I've never heard of anyone doing this.

I'm with you on the red velvet cake. We did it our first time this year, with the kids helping of course, and I was wishing I'd changed them into their painting shirts.

Sonja said...

I absolutely agree with you about rainbows. I hope I'm never to busy to just sit and admire them with my kids. Thank for the reminder.

Holy kid-strength Batman! That is one talented kid! (I always forget about turning the camera sideways too. :)

The picture of Sophie made me laugh. She reminds me so much of my Elise!

Nice to catch up with you guys!

Anonymous said...

This is such a great post and so much better than a silly random meme. I just might write my own list at some point.

Love that photo of Sophie. She is so cute. Regarding Math for Ian. I've been doing math with Cate by using wooden acorns. We only use them for math which keeps them special and makes the learning fun. I made index cards with plus, minus and equal. You can also make number cards for the answers. Also, I've started using little wooden animals to do math word problems. Cate has learned a lot of math using this method. As you know, we have trouble with worksheets as well.

I got the wooden acorns from Casey's Wood Products.