Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hurray, Hurray!

Sophie has been so excited to finally come to end of another Math Workbook. Today she finished the last review in her Singapore math 1B book and she is already thrilled to get to move on. She said "I am finally done with First Grade. Tomorrow I get to start second grade". She got up from the table and did a little dance for joy. Henry loved the excitement of the moment and was giving Sophie high fives to congratulate her on finishing and yelling "Hurray, Hurray" to her.

Math has been such a struggle for us this past year. Not that Sophie doesn't understand the topic but just she has a really hard time staying focused and the boys certainly don't help with this. I find I have to sit right there and watch her progress. She always wants me to let her know if the answer is correct before moving on. I have been trying to have Ian do some math at the same time as Sophie does hers but he needs me to read the directions each time so he need my attention too. Which then leaves Henry to either run wild through the house or he will at times work on his own "math workbook".
We are really enjoying Singapore math and will continue with it. Sophie is already excited to start her green workbooks.


Michal said...

we have similar struggles with math. kimball's mind wanders when he's left alone with a math worksheet. henry loves a workbook and especially math, but he still wants help with directions. i'm hoping to move a little faster in math this year because they get the concepts really well--we just get bogged down with the worksheets sometimes.
i love that sophie said, "i finished first grade. tomorrow i start second grade!" no need for a break for that girl!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for Sophie! I know all to well about everyone wanting the attention of mama. I find that we have to do some of our home learning late at night after Si goes to bed. He can be very disrupting.