Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is the Day.

I am so happy that this day has finally arrived. This election season has felt really long and very angry. I am happy that things will be decided once and for all. Or at least until next time. I know no matter what the vote tally says at the end of this day the war still rages. This is the same war that was started in Heaven between those that choose good and those that choose evil.
Prop 8 is only one of the many battles we are fighting to protect that which is true and moral. No I don't hate gay and lesbian people. But I do not believe their behavior is right.

This has been a good experience on the whole. Yes it has made our family, in particular, very busy. My husband has received over 800 emails from people throughout our community during the last two months, in his efforts as coordinator for our zip code. We have fielded numberless phone calls and attended and even hosted many events. It is so wonderful to see how many people, of different faiths, have united under this common cause.

No it has not always been easy or fun and we have wanted to quit and let someone else do the fighting. It isn't fun being called rude names and feeling intimidated by people with other viewpoints. I am surprised at how ugly the fighting has gotten. We are lucky, in our neck of the woods we haven't heard of any one getting hurt. We did have things thrown at some of the walkers that were more than just words, and the police did have to intervene on one occasion. I can't even tell you how many lawn signs were stolen and then replaced.

This has been a hard fought battle and I do really hope and pray that the voters of California choose to pass this amendment. But which ever way the numbers go, I will know our family has done the best we could in this fight. Our sacrifice is acceptable. The experience has only made us stronger. Us not being just our family or our church but all those in the state that wish to promote and protect those things which are virtuous, lovely and of good report. The war isn't over but this battle is, for now. And I, for one, am glad.


Bibliophile said...

I am glad that this prolonged campaign is finally at an end. I am not going to watch the results because I simply can't stand the stress. I think I will just do what I need to do: practice the piano and clean house. This is not going to be a good day, I'm afraid.

Carissa said...

Thank you for working so hard to help! I wish I could have done more but I don't live in California. Even if it doesn't pass your work was not in vain.

Andrea said...

I am so grateful to your family, and others like you who sacrificed for this cause. Too many of us don't do enough to stand up for what we know is right. Thank you for your efforts. Our prayers are with California, and the whole nation today.

Jenni said...

Congratulations!! It looks like things are going the right way. Thanks for all your hard work! I was supposed to make phone calls, but they decided at the last minute to have those done by Californians, so I don't feel like I did anything to help (except tithing I guess). But I'm so glad it's going to pass.

Kodelle said...

Thank you so much for all the work you and your family have done. I am sure it hasn't been easy but I also know it has been the Lord's work. So, for those of us who can't vote on the issue, Thank You!

Gina said...

Thank you for sacrificing so much of your family time for this cause. I appreciate it. This somehow does affect us all. Good job!

Michal said...

it is so cool to have been united with so many other people to help this proposition pass. it's too bad that like you predicted, the war rages on. can you believe the protest at the la temple today? so sad. who knows when this will really end, but i, too, was so glad for election day to finally come.

Angela said...

Congrats on all of your hard work! It takes good people like you to fight and win! Hopefully, that decision will payoff in other states like NH.