Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring is officially here!

Sophie seem to love dates. She loves to look up dates on the calendar and then count down the days until that day arrives. She has been waiting for it to officially be Spring. Today is that date at last. And of course, since it is Spring, we had to go out in it. I feel spoiled living in a beautiful area where the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining. I read other people's blogs and they are talking about freezing cold temperatures and snow on the ground still.
Sophie sat up on top of the hill and watched a butterfly flutter about.
A quiet moment for such a busy girl!
She had been tempted to chase after it and try to catch it but quickly decided to just sit back and watch it instead.

We really do live in a lovely part of the world. Since we have focused so much on flowers recently. I find myself looking at flowers a lot more. I have always loved to see wild flowers but I know I notice far more then I used to. I don't just walk by and think "oh what lovely flowers" but I now look at them and think "I wonder what it's name is". As we hiked today I would notice even the tiny purple flowers in the grass as we climbed. I was glad when Sophie too was stopping to look at each of the flowers and pointing them out to the other kids. She even gave a little lesson on poppies to a few of her friends, since we had talked about them quite a bit in the last few days.

It was such a perfectly beautiful Spring day.

Here is our indoor flower garden. The kids have studied this amaryllis very well the last few days. Sophie got out a flower book the other day to look up all the different parts of the flower. And then helped me figure out which parts were which. It has been so good to have such a great example to examine up close. At the moment one of the stems three flowers are in full bloom and the other stem is just starting to open. Everyday the kids notice it's progress.


Tammy said...

That picture with your daughter is just beautiful! It looks like it was such a pretty day. :)

Sonja said...

One of the best things about homeschool is that I get to learn too. I smiled and nodded my head as I read about how you are noticing the flowers more, because that is what I am doing with birds!

The pictures are lovely!