Thursday, March 6, 2008

Music Study - Mozart

This week we have been listening to a lot of Mozart. He is our composer for the month of March. Sophie has greatly enjoyed it. I started with the Classical Kids CD called Mozart's Magnificent Voyage.

After listening to this Sophie was very interested in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute. I was hoping to find the other Classical Kids production called Mozart's Magic Fantasy but our Library doesn't have it. And they don't have it on CD swap either.
I may just have to buy it.

Instead I decided we would get a movie version so she could see and hear the music. (Thank you Netflix!) I remember watching Ingmar Bergmen's The Magic Flute in College (I had a film teacher that loved Bergman films) and thought we could watch bits of it. I knew it was very long so I thought we could watch just a few of the arias.

I was shocked that they loved it. It is sung in sweedish and you have to read subtitles. But they didn't seem to mind. I did explain what was going on to the boys since they couldn't read it. They ended up watching the whole thing. Not in one sitting. We started it in the afternoon yesterday and then I stopped it to make dinner. They begged to watch some more of it after dinner last night so we let them. They finished it with their Dad before they went to bed. Even the boys sat there glued to the screen watching it. I was really surprised.

I like this cover of the film better. The one above looks far too sinsister and very Bergman like but not something I would show to kids. But I had seen the film before so I knew it was alright. I also knew I was going to be sitting here watching it with them to make sure it was alright. Sophie did say parts of it were a bit scary but she really liked it. She loved Papageno playing his bells and little pipe flute.

We have done very well with Music study, now I need to finally get around to introducing our Artist.


Julie Lybbert said...

I love the Magic Flute too! Aren't the Classical Kids CD's great? My kids' favorite is the Unicorn one.

Anonymous said...

We're doing Mozart too this month. Our library has the Magic Fantasy one, but not the other one. Maybe we should switch! Probably not a good idea with library materials though, I have enough in late fees already.

Ice Cream said...

I never knew there was a film version. Thanks for the info. I LOVE the classical kids CDs and hope to actually buy some for Christmas this year.

Dana Leeds said...

Oh, I see you are studying The Magic Flute, too! We rented a version and it turned out not very kid friendly. I really need to get on NetFlix.