Since we are back in to doing our school work I guess that means Summer is officially over and so is our Summer Reading program at the library. Each of the kids got to pick out a new book to add to our collection. Our bookcase is bursting!
I thought I would just list a few of the books the kids have been reading this Summer.
I will start with Molly. She is very much a girl and loves books about little girls. She LOVES Fancy Nancy and Pinkalicious books. I am also happy to see that she enjoys some good old classics. I read Blueberries for Sal about every other day. She loves it and when we found the book One Morning in Maine at the booksale recently she was so thrilled to see Sal a little more grown up.
She does let me get a few different books in the rotation once in awhile. She always lets me read The Snowy day or Mike Mulligan even thought there aren't any little girls in them. I make sure we get all those good Five in a Row books into our rotation. I may never actually do that program again but at least she will be exposed to the great books!
Molly received
The Big Red Book of Beginner Books 
for her birthday.
Stop that Ball!
is a book I remembered reading to Sophie and Ian when they were little but our library no longer had it in the whole library system. So I had to get this combo book so Molly would get to have this great book read to her as well. I thought she would love the story as much as the other kids did, and she does but the story in this collection that I have to read every time we get this book out is The
The Digging-Est Dog 
. She loves it for some reason.
Henry has decided he can read more than just picture books. He was soooo excited this Summer when he actually read Tin Tin on his own. He just liked looking at the pictures before but finally figured out that he can actually read the captions to go along with all those pictures.

He then decided to pick up
Stuart Little
and read it. He was so funny telling me all the difference between it and the movie.
I don't know where I heard about the Ivy and Bean
books but I picked up a few of them at the library thinking Sophie would like them. But they ended up being really easy reads and the two girls are about Henry's age so he quickly picked these books up and read one. I even let him get away with putting off some school work because he was sitting on the couch just glued to this book. I just didn't have the heart to pull him away from a book when he is so engrossed in it.
When we went to the library the next week he quickly went and looked for the rest of the series. He has now almost finished the entire set of these books.

Ian has been reading some Star Wars books. Jude Watson wrote some of the 39 clues books that my kids really enjoyed. So when he saw some Star Wars book on the shelf she decided to give them a try. He has read through quite a number of the
Jedi Quest
Sophie spends her time reading everything she can get her hands on. She reads just about everything that is brought home from the library. So everything they boys read she reads too. Everything I pick out for Molly she reads those as well.
I asked her what she has been been reading late at night and she replied
Horrible Histories
. Not my idea of great things to fill my head before going to sleep but she likes it. She is always telling me things about this or that time period/place of history and I wonder where she got the information. Evidently she learns a lot from these books.
Sophie has been picking out a number of
Andrew Clements
books to bring home. I think it is funny she likes these since they are usually about kids in school and different problems or things that take place in public school. For a homeschooled kid who has never attended school this may be her way of seeing what she is missing. Often Clements is rather critical of the system. She may not pick up on that but I sure do from his books I have read.
Me? What I have been reading? I have been reading lots and lots. But I have to say it has mostly been mind candy kind of things. Lots of Georette Heyer's regency romances and that sort of thing. Our library has a number of them to borrow for my Kindle and they are quick easy reads. If you ever need something fun to read give
Black Sheep
or The
Grand Sophy
a try. They are two of the better ones of Heyer's that I have read recently.
I guess we all need to get a little more serious about our reading. I have a number of good books to read for the Middle ages but we haven't jumped into those yet. We are still enjoying our light Summer reads. But soon that will have to change.