Thursday, October 2, 2008

Finished Already!

Sophie, Ian and I sat down yesterday to start reading Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale. One of the Wonderful books that I won for writing a Wordful Wednesday piece for Cocoa. Sophie didn't want me to stop. We read for a straight hour and made it through half of the book. Today when I asked what we should do first for school time. And Sophie said "More Rapunzel!". So we climbed into the story telling chair and started to read. We ended up reading through the rest of the book. Very cute story! We all really enjoyed the comic book like illustrations. Ian loved the cowboy elements especially when "punzie" rides the wild boar. Sophie loved the Jack character and caught on to the clues as to who he was. When we finished the book, Sophie's reaction was "don't put this one on paperback swap". I don't know exactly why this was her reaction. I certainly don't put every book on paperback swap but I get a lot via that service. I told her "Don't worry this one is going to stay right here and you can read it over and over again". She replied "Hurrah" and then quickly grabbed it and flipped through it so she could read her favorite parts. I would say that is a positive review of any book.


Montserrat said...

There's a sequel to the book that is being illustrated right now. Gives you something to look forward to.

Andrea said...

Thanks for the book review!

Do your kids listen well during reading time?