Monday, September 16, 2013

A bit of randomness

I have a head cold at the moment and desire to be "the taskmaster" today is low. So instead I am sitting here and thought I would post a few random pictures from the last few weeks.  I haven't been the most attentive blogger. We have been busy, busy, busy running around from this, that, and the other thing.
We hang out at this cool park while Ian has his Robotics class. My kids really like the climbing wall.
Molly has been digging out everything she can from the craft closet. She was very diligent about placing the little plastic beads on the board to create a heart.

Ian of course has his Lego Robot out all the time. We live with legos all over the floor all the time.
Molly took a bunch of pictures with the camera a few days ago.  She actually managed to get a lot of pictures of herself.

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