Sunday, July 21, 2013

Another Week of Girls Camp

Sophie and I just returned from Girls Camp. This was Sophie's 2nd week and my first. I went up as the third year counselor. I had 12 girls in my group. Many of the active LDS girls brought friends along to camp so our numbers grew and grew until our group was rather large. 

After a quick meet and greet we started out on our overnight hike.

 Our back packs loaded we set off down the hill.
 The two other leaders on the hike. One was our "Hike Specialist" she helped us with the Dutch Oven cooking at the bottom. (A truck meet us at our campsite with the supplies and dutch ovens)
 Near the campsite is a ropes course. We didn't get to do the zip line but we did a few of the other things like walk across the tight rope (wire) that was 20 feet up and went across the creek.
 We worked on a lot of our certification requirements here. The girls needed to cook over the campfire in two different ways. The Dutch oven stew, cornbread and peach cobbler tasted so good after a day of hiking.
 We also filtered our own water.
 We slept under the stars but thanks to the thick Santa Cruz fog that rolled in we were rained on during the early morning hours and woke up wet through.
 We were ready for hot chocolate and warm breakfast burritos
 We found a few woodland creatures.
 The girls also learned how to start a fire without matches and waxed some matches to waterproof them.
 I didn't get a picture of their compass/orienteering activity. They all learned how to read a map and use a compass to find their way. One of the men that came along on our hike made the greatest treasure hunt for the girls to follow using their compasses.

After our hike we loaded our backpacks and headed back up the hill to the main campground to join the other girls for the real fun of girls camp.

 Sophie was a first year and had a great time hanging out with her friends. Here she is after having a "California Snowball Fight". (Flour in socks)
 The girls all sported beautiful braids. One of the camp staff would just sit and do braids and braids and more braids.
 There were all sorts of team building games.
 Lots of food, laughter and fun!
 Some crafts.
 more braids.

More games this time with water.
 And so much more.
 It has been over 20 years since I attended girls camp. It was a lot of fun to get to spend the week with these girls. It was a lot of work/drama being a counselor. I am worn through. I was so happy to come home to my husband and kids and my comfortable bed.

I loved getting to see glimpses of Sophie as she went about her groups camp activities and I went with my girls to theirs. I know after having back to back camp weeks has been hard on her and she now just needs some time at home to relax and recharge.

It was a great week but "There is no place like home".

1 comment:

Cellista said...

I remember girls' camp being one big hair salon too! Those are some amazing braids. Looks like Sophie had a lot of fun, but I bet she's exhausted.