Thursday, July 1, 2010

Being Busy

It is already July. Where did June go? Summer is supposed to be a more relaxed time of year. Why does it seem to be busier than ever.

Why do seem to think just because it is Summer we suddenly have to DO something everyday? There has to be an outing or some event to keep us (the kids) from being bored. It is hard to say no when people plan events for us to attend. It is hard when there are so many fun things going on around us.

I am feeling the need for a simple schedule again.

I love days when we actually do our normal "school" schedule. It is so nice when there isn't anything that competes for our time. When we are able to do our scripture reading, our chores,  read a book or a few books aloud and have a lot of outside play.  I always love it when our outing for the day is just a walk around the block or a bike ride in the cul-de-sac.

I haven't even taken a photo in over a week. That is quite strange for me. I guess in my hurry to do all these things, I have forgotten to document them with pictures.

I don't think we have anything planned for tomorrow. I think we will stay home and enjoy some of those many library books we have stacked on the shelf. Perhaps we will take a walk around the block to see the lovely Jacaranda trees in our neighborhood that are in bloom right now.  Or maybe my kids will just play outside and dig holes in the dirt. Who knows? I just want to relax a little and let Molly get her naps in her bed rather than on the run.

I know there is a busy holiday weekend ahead and another event filled week to follow. I am going to have to pick and choose a little better so we don't feel quite so rushed.

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