Sunday, October 30, 2016

School Projects

We have spent the month of October just keeping up with all our school work. My kids have had all sorts of projects that they have had to do for school. 

 Some of the best projects have revolved around food. Ian and Henry had to each make a meal.  So Ian made some Oatmeal pancakes with berries on top. A green smoothy to go with it.
 Henry made Tuna sandwiches with apples for lunch one day.

 They boys had to make mummies when they studied about Egypt for class.
 They made clay bodies and then used cheese cloth and plaster to wrap them up.

 They also had to make a trip to the dump. Not my favorite field trip. Too stinky!

We took a walk one day to pick up garbage for another school project.  There wasn't too much complaining. The path lead to the park so they didn't mind walking and picking up trash knowing they would get to play around at the park for awhile. 

Molly hasn't had too many projects. She just tags along with many of the boys activities.
We did make some Borax crystals one day.

 Sophie's Biology class has some interesting labs every other week.
 She did this one with yeast. I think it had something to do with metabolism.

This was an experiment she did about photosynthesis. 
We got to punch holes in spinach leaves and then pull out all the oxygen in them, place them in water and watch to see how soon, depending on how close they were to the light, the little green dots floated to the surface. Kinda cool experiment!

 Yeah school work is often fun hands on projects but more and more my kids seem to just spend long hours staring at their chromebooks.  But they are all doing excellently in their classes so I guess I shouldn't complain.

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