School is back on and we should be back to doing everything but...... we still have such a hard time getting everything in.. So for the past two weeks this is what we have accomplished.
History - Nada. We haven't read any of the library books I have on the shelf or even listened to the Story of the World CDs.
Science - We are supposed to be starting our Geology unit. But so far all we have done is read about maps and about longitude and latitude lines and perhaps a bit about different maps we may see each day. We haven't actually moved on to the actual earth science stuff but any day now we will get started. I printed out the worksheets so we are ready. I just need to make sure it happens.
Could I count watching almost every Magic School bus episode. I gave the DVDs of the
Magic School Bus: The Complete Series
to Molly for Christmas and my kids have almost worked there way through all 52 episodes. I don't know if that is actually true. They are watching all the ones they haven't ever seen and a few of the ones that they really like. I guess if they are going to watch t.v. Magic School Bus is better than other things.
We have been reading a lot about the antarctic and penguins. I guess that counts as science. I have the boys reading Mr. Poppers Penguins and doing a little unit on penguins to go along with it. I was going to count that as Language arts but since we haven't actually gotten around to writing the report or much of the lapbook elements for it, I guess it should count as science.
Language Arts - Not much. No Fit-it for the older two and no IEW writing for any of them. They have written in their journals a few times but it isn't everyday like I would like. Sophie and Ian have had to write a little bit for each of their online classes so I guess that can be LA.
Math - This is the easiest one to get done. My kids do one exercise everyday without fail. It is just the most automatic thing for them to do after scripture study each morning. They don't even complain. There are some tears from Henry when he gets frustrated with his math but he doesn't fight the subject. Henry finished Singapore 2B and instead of moving on to 3A I gave him an extra practice book for Singapore 2B and he will fly through that before we move on. Ian is still plugging away at 4B. Decimals don't seem to be giving him much trouble. He is going to quickly catch up to Sophie. She is doing well with Teaching Textbooks 6.
Piano - Practice everyday is the goal but Henry always seems to get out of it somehow. After hearing the other two practice I must forget to have him run through his songs too. His playlist checklist is rather blank for this week. But tonight when I had him play the songs the piano teacher specifically requested he practice he was able to do them without too much trouble. Ian does fine but has no patience and just wants to get done so he plays everything at about double speed. Sophie is very precise in her playing and takes a long time to run through her whole playlist each day.
Audio books - We are making our way through the Little house on the Praire series. Farmer boy is the read aloud for bedtime and we have finished By the Shores of Silver Lake and are listening to The Long Winter right now. My kids seem to really be liking them again. We tried this series awhile back but after the first three books they sort of lost interest. We got sidetracked into some other series or something so never finished the series. But I have Little Town on the Praire waiting in the CD queue by the radio when we make it through this one. I just have to say this is a great one to listen to on Audio book because all the songs are performed and when Pa plays his fiddle they have fiddle music. It is great!
Online Classes
Sophie's online classes are going well. She was surprised by how much she is enjoying her spanish class. She loves the composers class because it is taught by the same teacher that taught her Beautiful Girlhood class last fall. And her Literature class has been great. She had to rewrite a parable last week and is now reading all sorts of poetry for this weeks assignment.
Ian's two classes are keeping him busy as well. He enjoys the art class and the assignments so far have been a tessellation and this week he just has to draw or paint something that uses certain principles and elements of art. Henry was excited to get to do this homework assignment too. I had everyone paint penguins. I think Henry will enjoy doing the homework assignments right along with Ian. Ian's geography class assigned him to put together a little introduction essay about where he lives and little about himself.
Lets see...
P.E. - We played Basketball, rollar bladed and took a number of walks around the block. Henry is still doing gymnastics but Ian decided he wanted to do other things with his school money so isn't going with Henry to gym anymore.
So that is about it. There is certainly room for improvement but for now I think we are doing about all I can get my little guys to do.