Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chalk Drawing

Today we had such nice weather! It was still a bit chilly but it was so sunny. We went out for an early bike ride around the block to enjoy the sunshine and soak up some Vitamin D.

When we made our way back home Sophie quickly went to work tracing the shadow of her bike. She did a great job! I didn't even think the grab the camera until she was already done with it and had moved the bike so she could see the finished product.
She even did a very fancy signature complete with Cheshire Cat, butterflies and hearts.

Henry was just happy to knock rocks together.

Ian did help Sophie add the little tassels to the handlebars.

We have enjoyed our very beautiful day. We took a little time to climb some trees and toss around a ball and even clean up some of the yard after the days of rain we received last week. We haven't been outside enough lately and today it felt so good!


Malissa said...

What a beautiful day after that rain you had last week! Sophie is very creative!

Ice Cream said...

Shadow tracing? I never would have thought of that. I can't wait to try it.