Friday, May 1, 2009

A few Haphazard Thoughts

Since I haven't posted in almost a week I figured I better write something just to remind everyone that I am here and alive and somewhat on top of things.

Trying to Homeschool while being pregnant has proven to be more difficult than thought. Sophie wasn't doing school back when I was pregnant with Henry, we were still just playing everyday. He was already 6 months old when we started doing "Preschool". Five in a Row was so much fun and took very little planning and only about 15-20 minutes a day. Now school is much more complicated. I have three kids all wanting to "do school" or on some days not wanting to "do school". And a lot more planning is involved. My patience is a lot thinner, my energy levels are low, and any creativity is sucked away. But still we press on. And the kids don't seem to really mind that school is short and they get to play a lot. I know they are learning things even if we are just playing games so it will all work out alright.

Am I the only person with RH negative blood? I went to the doctor yesterday for my 28 week visit and this is usually when I get to get my Rhogam shot. After my Dr. Visit I had to go to the lab and have blood drawn and then come back to the OB office for the shot. The nurse at the front desk didn't have a clue what I was there for. She had checked me in already for my visit and couldn't understand why I was back again. When I said it was for a shot, she told me shots are given downstairs at the lab. I explained that the doctor just told me to come back up for the shot.
This is my fourth child, I had been through this ritual a few times already and know this drill, the shots are given up in the OB department. She finally had to call my OB and ask her about it. What should have been a quick in and out procedure ended up taking over half an hour. But I got the shot in my shoulder this time rather than the hip. My hip usually hurts for days after this shot but my arm is fine. Hurray for that!

While talking to the RN giving me my shot yesterday. She said she was grateful to be doing something other than swab people for flu. People in our area are freaked out about this swine flu. There are schools closed for a week because someone tested positive for the flu. Most other schools have a no symptom tolerance policy. Which means even if you kid just has allergies they can't go to school because they may have the flu. The nurse was not impressed and expressed what most doctors feel about this flu is that it is just big media hype. This flu isn't any more deadly than other flus and the only difference is that this one has a name. Flu shots are only good for 3 different flu strains and there are hundreds of different ones out there. The treatment for this flu is the same as any other flue. So she said we don't really have anything more to worry about than we would with a regular flu and cold season. Just wash your hands and avoid sick people. If you are sick don't go out and infect others. This has pretty much been my feelings on this whole "epidemic" and it was nice to hear it from a medical professional.

Sophie has finished with the first part of her orthodontics. Not the whole first phase but the first part of the this first phase. Two months of having an extender and her teeth are moved enough for her to move on to actual braces. She gets the braces themselves in a few weeks. I am glad this process isn't taking too long. She didn't love me having to turn the crank on her extender each morning so she is happy. We will see what she says about the brackets and such she will be getting next.

Henry has quite a file at the YMCA. While I go and swim or whatever at the YMCA the kids go to the Kids corner and play for an hour or so. For some reason Henry can't seem to keep out of trouble there. A few days ago he tripped over another kid who was laying on the floor playing. Henry has a nice rug burn across one side of his face. But the ladies that babysit the kids in kids corner had to fill out an accident report and come and tell me all about what happened. This isn't the first time this has happened. It has been a fall while outside on the tricycles and a little road rash on the face. And once it was something else. The YMCA always calls me later in the day to check on Henry to make sure he is doing alright after his incident. I know they are just covering themselves. I am not surprised by any of these things. Henry is a very active little guy and gets himself in all sorts of scrapes. He almost always has a band aid somewhere on his body. The marks on his face now are so normal for him. They are really ugly scabs now but it looks like they are going to come off soon. He heals quickly.


Well.. I need to get back to the real world of kids bickering over knex and playmobile pirates. I often wonder if kids can actually play without fighting. I have yet to see it


Montserrat said...

Sounds like life is just plugging along!

Karen said...

I already got my shot. But they gave me mine in the hip/bum area and didn't hurt at all. The nurse just told me to walk around a bit and rub the area.

I didn't know you had to have this shot EVERY time you are pregnant. I just figured it was for the 1st one!

That needle was 3-4 inches long. I don't know if I can syke myself up for that again.

Karen said...

I already got my shot. But they gave me mine in the hip/bum area and didn't hurt at all. The nurse just told me to walk around a bit and rub the area.

I didn't know you had to have this shot EVERY time you are pregnant. I just figured it was for the 1st one!

That needle was 3-4 inches long. I don't know if I can syke myself up for that again.

Bibliophile said...

You and Karen have RH negative blood because both of your parents have RH negative. You just happened to marry men who are RH positive. Sorry about that!
Also, I have never seen any children that got along together without some friction. It's natural in life. I fought with my sister, tooth and nail, but the result of that experience is that we are not close now. We took different roads in life and it has made all the difference. You girls have done better than I did.

Michal said...

i am so with you on the schooling while pregnant. i didn't realize how challenging it would be, particularly to stay cheerful and encouraging. ugh. i'm hoping that schooling with a baby is easier:)

and the swine flu thing? so irritating.