Most of the month of June was spent hanging out at home trying to keep up a somewhat reduced school schedule. We tried to do Scripture, Math, reading and Piano everyday. Tried is the word. Once all the other kids around us were out of school for the Summer my kids seemed to think they didn't need to do anything anymore either. But we did make it outside quite a bit for bike rides. Molly finally let us take her training wheels off. She hadn't really been using them when she rode but told us she still needed them for curves. I tried to explain that she didn't really need them even for the curves. She only heard them then because that was the only time they actually touched as she rode. I took this quick shot of her riding the first time without her training wheels with my phone. Junky camera but at least I caught the moment. She zips along quite well now. We take bike rides to this or that park around our town about 3-4 times a week.
Cub Scout camp happened in June too.
Ian went to Cub Camp as a Youth leader. He was assigned a Wolf Den to mentor and help with.
Henry is still a Bear so he attended camp with some of the other scouts in his Den.
They played frisbee
Shot off water bottle rockets.
And dissected owl pellets.
He was lucky to find a complete skull of a rat. Upper and lower jaws still attached.
Here is Ian's group doing their skit
Sophie also spent the week at camp as a Youth Leader. She had a Webelos group she was assigned. Molly spent the week at the Tot Lot and loved every minute of it. She got to play with friends, do crafts, and watch movies. I spent the week helping out with one of the classes. I was in charge of the service project that they scouts did for the USO.
All four kids also had an informal piano recital at the end of June. Lessons continued through most of the month and they each played pieces they had been working on.
Ian played The Entertainer, and the Star Wars march.
Sophie played Alexander's Ragtime Band, William Tell Overture, and
Molly's pieces were Yankee Doodle and BaBa Black Sheep.
Henry played Mozart's Minuet in F and Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.
On one of our 100+ degree days (Which also happened to be discount Tuesday) we all headed to the movies to see Inside Out. We all loved it! I especially loved the short film Lava.
We hung out at the Mall for a bit after the film because she didn't want to leave and head out into that heat yet. So the kids played chess.
That about sums up our June. Oh wait.... some fun/important info for June too was that our Ward split. We are now in the newly formed ward and I am no longer the Primary President. What a relief! That is one very time consuming calling! Our new ward still ended up with most of the kids so our Primary isn't smaller by much. I am just happy to have a less demanding calling. Maybe that means I may have time to actually blog. We will see. I need to take my camera with my more. My phone's camera is really junk and that is often what I am stuck with because I forget to bring the actual camera.