Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cub Camp and then Scout Camp

 We volunteered to help at Cub Scout Day camp again this year.

Henry was put in charge of sling shots or wrist rockets as they were labeled.
 Sophia and her friend were in charge of teaching Marbles.  They didn't have an adult to help them out and they were able to handle this class for three days of teaching 8-10 year olds the fine art of playing marbles.
 Ian was a den chief which just means he got to go around with a group of young scouts and act as an assistant den leader.

Molly played at the Tot lot and I spent the three days making pancakes on the camp stove out in the 107+ degree weather each day. It was pretty miserable but we all made it!

The very next week Ian headed out to scout camp.

He spent a week out in the wilderness with this group of boys.

While Ian was away we tried to find ways to entertain ourselves.  We loaded our bikes onto the car one day and headed to the nearby BMX bike park.

 Sophia's bike had a flat tire and we forgot to bring the pump so they had to take turns on Henry's bike.

 Molly gave it a good try. It was hard and she fell a lot.

 We also decided a trip to Menchie's was in order.  Everyone needs frozen yogurt on Hot Summer days.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Molly gets a hair cut

 Molly gave herself bangs last year and it had taken a looooong time to grow them out.

This year she decided to take a big chunk off of the back so I ended up having to trim it all into a bob.

It actually turned out really cute!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Lego Detective's Office

 Henry has been dreaming of getting a HUGE lego set for years. He has been talking about and wanting this particular modular building for a really long time. He finally earned enough money to buy the set. He even found a used but complete set on Brick Link and decided to give it a try.
 He almost lost his mind waiting for it to finally arrive once he had placed the order.
 He really wanted to make a time lapse video of him building it but after about a half hour of building realized this was not a quick build and gave up on that.
 Hard to believe this set took a whole afternoon and into the next day to build. My boys usually whip sets together so quickly. This obviously is a much more complicated set with lots of details inside and out.