Thursday, June 27, 2013

Longing for Home - Review

Usually when I read these historical romances I can tell right away with whom the girl is going to end up. I was pleasantly surprised to be routing for both of the possible love interests in the book Longing for Home by Sarah Eden. Each of the men who show interest in Katie are likable and would be able to make her happy. I almost didn't want her to choose because then the other would be disappointed. I still don't know if she made the right choice. I guess I will have to wait and see what happens in the next book since there is already a scheduled sequel. Yeah!

This book isn't all about the romance. It is more about Katie and how she releases the guilt of years of neglect, trauma and guilt. This is a book about healing. She is longing for her homeland, thinking that is what will heal her and make her feel forgiven. She wants to feel loved and taken care of like she did when she was young before the famine in Ireland that forced her family (and many other families in Ireland) to split apart and leave the land of their birth. Through unexpected, and at first unwanted, relationships with the inhabitants of a small town she learns that Ireland may be her homeland but home can be found where ever she feels the most cared for and where she cares for others.

I loved the sayings and details of the Irish people. I could almost hear their brogue as they chatted and joked with one another. Katie plays reels and jigs on her violin and I could almost hear them. I think I need to break out my cd of Irish music or look up some of those songs on youtube so I can hear that very distinct Irish sound.

This book isn't being released until August but for anyone who loves historical romance should add this one to their wish list. I am looking forward to next book in the series.

I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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