Saturday, June 28, 2008

Not much going on.

I haven't had a whole lot to blog about recently. We are just doing our normal things and nothing seems exciting enough to post about. We are still "doing school" but very lightly. Since finishing the Felicity books last week we haven't finished our American Revolution studies quite yet. We are about half way through Johnny Tremain. I am surprised that Sophie is enjoying the story. Or at least she isn't opposed to it. When I say we are going to read or listen to it she quickly says "ok". She also doesn't mind telling Dad about it at dinner when he comes home. (This is one of our usual forms of narration.) We are also still plugging away at Liberty's kids. We are only about half way through the war. Ian always wants to re-watch the episode about the Turtle. Which was a very early submarine. Ian loves gadgets.
I also downloaded the audio files of the Burgess Bird Book for Children. We don't have the book and I can't get it from the library so we just listen to it and look up the different birds that are talked about in our bird book. Sophie always loves animal stories and these appeal to her.

While we listen to stories we often break out this game.It is a color pattern puzzle that we put together in different designs. Sometimes the designs are symmetrical and other times they are just haphazard. But the kids are getting really good at laying out a pattern. I have been helping Henry remember the colors using this game. He still gets a few mixed up but he is doing better.

We also play a lot of legos and even some knights while listening too.
No matter what we do we always end up with toys all over the house and a big mess of mixed up toys. So every evening we have to have big clean up parties to get everything back in their places.

Along with these few "schoolish" type things we also have been spending a good amount of time outside. The weather hasn't been ideal because of all the smoke in the air but we still head out to the park or on hikes around the block quite often.
Here is Henry doing the monkey bars. He is a very athletic kid. At 2 years old he is able to swing across the monkey bars. I don't even know if Ian can do this yet. Sophie has just started doing it.

We have also had a few birthday parties this week and those always cause a bit of excitement. We get to go shopping for gift to give and then count the hours and minutes until we finally get to go to the party.

So we have been busy but just doing normal life kinds of things.


Anonymous said...

Nothing exciting is happening here either, just cleaning. I am going to start doing a little school stuff again next week though--talking about airplanes and working on reading.
This reminds me, my mom loaned me a copy of the movie Johnny Tremain. I'd like to read the book first though, I've never read it.

Anonymous said...

Well you must know that reading aloud is a great way to learn. It seems that you in fact do have a lot going on.

I can't thank you enough for linking to the audio files for the Burgess Bird Book. Cate is going to love listening to it. I just listened to Little Jenny Wren Arrives and it is wonderful.

I've been thinking about purchasing one of those color pattern puzzles. Do you think a four year old would enjoy it?

The clean up parties at the end of the day sound ideal. Oh how I wish my children were not so difficult to train. But you have inspired me.

My nearly two year old son will be able to do the monkey bars probably before my four year old daughter. He is so physical it amazes me.

I hope you are having a lovely Saturday.

Michal said...

i am impressed with henry's athletic prowess.
the smoke has been keeping us inside--it's worse here, near the foothills, i think. i am going crazy without being able to take walks or go swimming. hopefully it clears soon . . .

Sonja said...

We like doing pattern blocks while listening to books too! Even my nine year old loves them.

We also like Liberty Kids. We haven't tried Johnny Tremain yet but what an appropriate book for the season!

Hope the smoke clears up soon!