I decided yesterday to keep a detailed record of what we actually do all day. This was more for me but I thought I would share it, incase some wonder if we actually do anything. At the end of some days I wonder if I have done anything.
I don't get into all the details of all the different whining and fighting that went on but this is a pretty good look at a typical Monday for us.
6.25 a.m. Henry comes into our room and climbs into our bed
6:30 a.m. I get up and go to the computer read a few emails and blogs.
6:50 a.m. Henry and I watch
Sonja's muppets 4 times
7:00 a.m. Sophie joins us and has to watch it one more time.
7:05 a.m. We all go to eat breakfast (cereal, leftover pizza, hot choco.
7:20 a.m. Sophie goes to play her Vmigo. She need to rack up a lot of points so she can buy a new dog.
Henry climbs the shelves to get the Alice in Wonderland Pop up book.
I sit down at the piano to practice for a few minutes.
7:40 a.m. Ian decided to come out of his room. He has been "hiding" which means I get to change a stinky diaper (He only wears one to bed)
7:45 a.m. Load the dishwasher, get Ian a bowl of cereal, ignore Henry's tantrum because he wanted to push the buttons on the dishwasher. Then take Henry to get dressed.
8:05 a.m. Ask Sophie to stop playing her game and to change her clothes. I change into my swimsuit and gather what I need to go to the YMCA. While also bringing all dirty clothes to the Laundry.
8:10 a.m. Start a load of whites.
8:15 a.m. Get shoes on all kids, out to the car.
8:25 a.m. drop kids off at Kids Corner and I go to my Aqua fitness class
8:30 a.m. Enjoy an hour of thinking about nothing but moving my body
9:30 a.m. Go shower and dress
9:45 a.m. pick up the kids at Kids Corner. Henry went to YKids
9:50 a.m. Teach the kids how to sing Popcorn Popping and Once there was a snowman. Watch my kids enjoy jumping around on all the crash mats and equipment.
10:00 a.m. YKids is done. Head home.
10:15 a.m. At home, Change Laundry. Put a few things away. Kids have a snack, bananas and yogurt.
10:30 a.m. Read scripture with the kids. Read about the Triumphant Entry of Jesus and about throwing Money changers out of the temple.
10:50 a.m. Trace our hands on green paper. Make a palm branch of the cut out palms
11:00 a.m. Head outside for a walk around the block and look at wildflowers. Perfect time to do our Green Hour Challenge
11:55 a.m. Return from walk. Henry pulls his wildflowers apart in the front room so I get to do some clean up.
12:05 p.m. large crash from the boys room. Henry was climbing up into the clothes closet using the bar to swing up. Henry get a spanking, (Spankings are used to punish death defying/ bodily harm highjinks, especially 2nd time offenders)
12:10 p.m. Cleaning is finished, Henry sulking on the couch. I make sandwiches for lunch. Sophie draws the wild flowers we collected.
12:15 p.m. Kids eat, Henry cries.
12:30 p.m. Sophie read to me from Detectives in Togas
12:45 p.m. Reading interupted so I can change Henry's diaper. I finish the chapter when I get back.
1:00 p.m. Read books to the boys. Berenstain Bears, "One Fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish", Magic School bus
1:20 p.m. Clip Henry's finger nails then put him down for a nap. Ian plays legos. Sophie drawing pictures

1:30 p.m. Move clothes to the dryer.
1:35 p.m. Sophie does Math. She desides to do one page from each of the three different workbooks that we have. Ian still playing legos.

1:50 p.m. Get Ian a snack - Granola bar
2:00 p.m. Sophie does 2 pages of "Penmanship" She prefers it called penmanship rather than copywork.
2:20 p.m. Sophie and Ian join me in folding the clothes. We listen to Classics for Kids about Mozart while we work.
2:40 p.m. 2 classics for kids programs over. Kids fighting too much so they are sent to do Silent reading while I finish the clothes.
2:50 p.m. Ian comes in to help sort the socks and help put away the clothes.
3:00 p.m. Henry wakes up cranky. Everyone watches two episodes of Magic School Bus. I upload pictures that took on our walk and then post them on my blog.
4:15 p.m. Kids need yet another snack so we take gramcrackers outside. The kids get scooters out and ride around the driveway, break out the sidewalk chalk and draw. I get the mail and go through it.
4:30 p.m. I sit on the front stoop reading while the kids play, ride, climb.
5:15 p.m. Everyone comes inside. Sophie sits in front of the bookcase and reads books
Henry plays legos. Ian is rude so is sent to his room for a bit of time out. I head to the kitchen to start making dinner. Start peeling potatoes.
5:30 p.m. Ian comes out of his room and helps Sophie unload the dishwasher. Potatoes are boiling. I start to make muffins. We have to have dessert tonight.
5:45 p.m. Sophie goes to play Vmigo. Henry still playing legos. Ian helps Mom make dinner.
6:10 p.m. Dad walks in the door. Kids get all excited.
6:20 p.m. Dinner on the table. We all sit and eat.
6:40 p.m. Sophie helps clear the table. I do the dishes. Ian and Henry have tub time supervised by Dad.
7:00 p.m. Family Home Evening - Song, Prayer, Scripture, Lesson, then activity (Sophie picked Hide and Seek) We have our dessert with dinner)
7:50 p.m. Brush Teeth time
8:00 p.m. Family Prayer, then I go and read Sophie anohter chapter of her book. Dad tells the boys a story.
8:15 p.m. Kids are in bed. I get to watch Dancing with the Stars.
8:20 p.m. Henry joins us watches one dance routine then is escorted back to bed.
8:30 p.m. Sophie comes to inform us that she can't sleep. She is sent back to bed.
8:50 p.m. Sophie again comes to tell us she can't sleep. She is again sent to bed.
9:00 p.m. relax in front of the T.V. too long and stay up too late.